Look Before You Leap——瞻前顧後
** be cautious before acting // think of the serious or disastrous consequences before you act // think carefully before you plunge into any serious decision // don’t act rashly
~~ discretion(慎重)is the better part of valor(英勇)// look before you leap and think before you speak // action without thought is like shooting without aim // measure thrice/twice and cut once // score twice before you cut once // marry in haste, repent at leisure // slow and steady wins the race
!! This expression alludes to Aesop’s fable (sixth century B.C.) about the trapped fox who is unable to climb out of the water well. A thirsty goat walks by and is persuaded to jump in to get some water. The fox climbs on the goat’s shoulders and horns and gets out. When the goat asks to help him get out, the fox says he should have looked before he leaped.
>> When you make important decisions, it's best to look before you leap.
>> When you go out with your elderly parents and baby, you always have to look before you leap, especially when crossing a road without street lights.
學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 教授