A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush——現實的
** what one already has is better than what one might get(已擁有的東西比可能得到的更好)
~~ 現實的;多得不如現得;穩操勝券的事;到手之物;已到手的東西;現實可得的東西
~~ a bird in hand // better an egg today than a hen tomorrow; a sparrow in the hand is better than the pigeon on the roof; better to have a little than nothing at all; if you run after two hares, you will catch neither; possession is nine points of the law
!! The proverb appeared in Aesop’s fable The Hawk and the Nightingale: The hawk had been hunting all day and finally caught a nightingale. "Pray let me go." said the nightingale. "I am such a mite for a stomach like yours. I sing so nicely too. Do let me go, it will do you good to hear me." The hawk replied: "Much good it will do to an empty belly, and besides, a little bird that I have is more to me than a great one that has yet to be caught."
>> The husband wants to join an artificial intelligence (AI) startup, but his wife wants him to stay with the current company, saying a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
>> The first newly-opened chain store has been successful, and the owner wants to multiply it. With the economy slowing down, he should better remember having a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
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