In the Doldrums——情緒低落
** A period of stagnation, dullness, depression, unhappiness, listlessness or slump (短暫停滯、遲鈍、憂鬱、不快樂、無精打采或低迷的時期)
~~ 精神方面:情緒低落;意氣消沉;無精打采;士氣低落;感到沮喪;精神萎靡;消沉;不振;心情不好;處於憂鬱期;經濟方面:處於低迷狀態;陷於停滯;蕭條時期;正趨式微;不景氣;處於低潮;疲軟期;不順利的;沒有進展的
~~ dejected; crestfallen; depressed; gloomy; downcast; downhearted; disheartened; despondent; down in the dumps; down in the mouth; in low spirits
!! This expression alludes to the maritime doldrums, an ocean region north of the equator characterized by calms, light winds, or squalls, in which sailing ships are often becalmed. The word doldrum is an alteration of Middle English "dold," which means to dull. Figuratively, doldrums refers to the condition of being bored to tears/death.
>> Despite Mike’s neighbor girlfriend’s love and encouragements, he is still in the doldrums because his beloved mother died in her cruise to Africa.
>> After the effects of all the financial stimulus due to Covid, the pessimistic view is that the economy will be in the doldrums for at least a few years.
李啓文 教授