Thumbs Down——反對
** indication of failure(表明失敗)// indication of disapproval(表明不贊成)// negative response(否定的回應)// condemn something(譴責某事)// no!(不!)
~~ 不贊成;不贊同;反對;否定;拒絕;不准;禁止;責備;不喜歡;不成功
~~ repudiation; denial; rejection; refusal; dismissal; veto
!! The Latin “pollice verso” meaning “thumbs down” might have been first suggested by a painting of the French artist Jean Leon Gerome in 1872 that depicted scowling Roman spectators, shouting Habet! (“He’s had it!”) and holding out their fists with their thumbs turned down at the end of a gladiatorial contest, which meant to have the defeated gladiator killed, probably because he fought poorly.
拉丁語“pollice verso”意即“大拇指向下”,可能在一八七二年法國藝術家尚‧里奧‧傑洛姆的繪畫作品首次暗示,作品描繪了憤怒的羅馬觀眾大喊Habet!(“他輸了!”),並且在生死角鬥競賽結束時伸出拇指向下的拳頭,這意味着被擊敗的鬥士需要被殺死,可能是因為他戰鬥不力。
!! The opposite of thumbs down is thumbs up (by 1887), an indication of positive response, an affirmation, success, approval or a nod.
>> Although the applicant has top credentials, but with bad characters, so the committee gave him a thumbs down.
>> The board of directors turned thumbs down on the expansion proposal until the company makes money consistently.
李啓文 教授