Living on a Shoestring——資金緊絀
** to live or operate within a limited financial budget(在有限的預算中生活或經營)
~~零星預算;資金緊絀;零星資金;資金微薄;小額資本;小本經營 /// 手頭緊;生活拮据;精打細算過日子;省吃儉用;要勒緊褲頭生活;用很少的錢;過得非常寒酸;很艱苦的生活;靠很少錢生活;經濟拮据;量力而行地省錢
~~ on a shoestring // get along on a shoestring // get by on a shoestring // limited means/resources // tight/small/limited/low/tiny/strict/cramped budget // tight as the bark on a tree // as tight as a drum
!! In late 1800s, an illusory allusion surfaced that debtors in British prisons would lower a shoe by its laces from a window in order to collect some money from visitors or passers-by, and use the money to get better treatments.(十九世紀末,一個虛幻典故揭示英國監獄的負債人會利用鞋帶從窗戶吊下一隻鞋,以便向遊客或路人收取金錢,並用這些錢來得到較好的待遇。)
!! A more likely theory is that it alludes to the slender shape of a shoestring, comparing it to slim resources.(一個可能性高的理論是,它暗示了鞋帶的細長形狀,將其比作少量資源。)
>> As the government cuts spending during the severe pandemic, our department has had to work on a shoestring budget.(由於政府在流感嚴重期間削減開支,我們部門不得不以零星預算進行相應工作。)
>> It took three years of operating on a shoestring to break even, and enter the profit cycles.(我們在資金緊絀下,經營三年後才達致收支平衡,進入盈利周期。)
李啟文 教授