The Ball Is in Your Court——輪到你行動了
** it’s your responsibility now(現在是你的責任了)// it’s up to you now(現在取決於你)// it’s your problem now(現在是你的問題了)// it’s your turn (輪到你)// often used in business to mean that you need to make the next offer(在商業中經常用來表示你需要做下一個報價)
~~ it’s your ball // it's your turn // it's your move // your move // it's your play now // you're on // it's up to you // you decide
!! This 1950s cliché comes from tennis, where it means it is the opponent’s turn to serve or return the ball. It has been transferred to other usages, a non-confrontational and humorous way of saying "it's your turn."
>> The management has made the best, final and last offer; the ball is in the court of the buyer now.
>> Now that Bill has done his part of the concessions giving Jean the house and all the furniture in their divorce agreement, he said to Jean, "it's your ball."
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