Pull the Rug from Under——拆牆腳
** sabotage or upset someone’s plans, expectations or activities(破壞或擾亂某人的計劃、期望或活動)// remove or withdraw someone’s support and assistance, usually suddenly(通常是突然間刪除或撤回某人的支持和幫助)// put opponents at a great and often sudden disadvantage(使對手處於非常大和突然的劣勢)
~~ 突然停止(對某人的)幫助(或支持);不再支持;停止幫助;暗中破壞;破壞某人的計劃;壞了某人的好事;拆某人的台;拆牆腳;(出其不意地)使某人處於不利的位置;釜底抽薪
~~ pull the rug out from under; pull someone’s leg; withdraw support from; cut off aid; terminate assistance; suddenly stop supporting; rescind backing
!! This American metaphor alludes to pulling on a rug a person is standing on so that he or she falls. However, the literal pulling of a rug out from under somebody is not likely a widely practiced activity. The more likely practice would be the schoolboy trick of pulling a chair away from someone who is about to sit down. But the imagined rug being pulled persists by 1946.
>> The witness originally spoke the truth to support the defense, but because he was bribed by the family of the real murderer, he changed his testimony, pulled the rug out from under the defense, and caused the defense to be in prison for 20 years.
>> Our competitor’s attempt to pull the rug from underneath our finance had failed.
學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 教授