Rain Cats And Dogs——傾盆大雨
** heavy downpour(傾盆大雨)// rain very hard or heavily(雨下得很大或很嚴重)
~~ 傾盆大雨;大雨滂沱;滂沱大雨;瓢潑大雨;突降暴雨;下大雨
~~ rain buckets; come down in buckets; rain pitchforks; pelt down; pour down; come down in sheets; come down in torrents; rain hard; rain heavily;
!! Non-flying animals falling from the sky can occur because tornadic waterspouts sometimes carry creatures up to the sky. In 17th-centuryEngland, a heavy rainstorm (strong as a tornado) caused gutters to overflow with everything and dead cats and dogs.
!! In Northern European mythology, dogs were attendants of Odin, the storm (wind) god, while cats were rain.
!! Another theory is that a raging storm with lightning is analogous to fighting cats and dogs.
>> We have to be on time to meet with the venture capitalist whether it rains cats and dogs or not.
>> We had better cancel the picnic; looks like it's going to rain cats and dogs tomorrow.
李啟文 教授