If Wishes Were Horses——如果願望能成事實
** if one could readily have what one wanted, life could be easy, but potentially meaningless(如果一個人可以隨時擁有自己想要的東西,生活可以很輕鬆,也可能會很無意義)// wishes are useless; there is no substitute for hard work(願望是無用的:努力是無可替代的)
~~ 願望難成事實;如果願望能成事實;願望不等於事實;如果願望都能實現,乞丐也會發財。
~~ wishful thinking; pipe dream; pie in the sky; castle in the air; flight of fancy; castle in Spain; never-never land; fool's paradise
!! The Scottish proverb appeared in 1628, which suggests if wishing could make things happen, then even the most destitute people would have everything they wanted. The shorter variant of the four-verses nursery rhyme is: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. If turnips were bayonets, I'd wear one by my side.
!! The picture shows medieval knight-jousting with lances. If the beggar had his wishes, he would win.
>> Tony asked her father for a brand new Tesla after his high school graduation - if wishes were horses.
>> If wishes were horses, climate-change activists would have solar and wind to power the electric grid.
學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啓文 教授