Knee-Jerk Reaction——本能反應
** reacting without much control(不受控制的反應)// an automatic, unthinking response to something(對某事自動的、不假思索的反應) // quick reaction with no time to consider something carefully(快速反應,無時間仔細考慮)
~~ 本能反應;自然反應;習慣的反應;直覺反應;不自覺的迅速反應;無意識的反射動作
~~ knee-jerk response; knee-jerk reflex; gut reaction; force of habit; automatic reaction; instinctive response; unconscious reflex; involuntary impulse; absence of thought
!! The first use of the term is recorded in 1878 in Sir Michael Foster’s Text-book of Physiology: "Striking the tendon below the patella gives rise to a sudden extension of the leg known as the ‘knee-jerk.’" It is also called ‘patellar reflex.’
(一八七八年米高 · 科士打爵士的《生理學教科書》中記錄了該術語的首次使用:“敲擊膝蓋骨下方的肌腱會導致腿部突然伸展,稱為‘膝跳’”。它也被稱為‘髕骨反射’。)
>> When a soccer team is 0:1 behind, the knee-jerk reactions is to try to tie it first.
>> The shooting and killing of school children case in Florida was a horrible episode of merciless deed that was worthy of empathy, but the politicians immediately called for banning of all guns. That’s legislation by knee-jerk response.
李啟文 教授